Two Life Coaches

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Sometimes I wonder about what the world would look without life coach training.

My wife and I got trained and certified as life coaches when we were in our mid-20’s.

That was nearly 10 years ago.

Here’s the problem with two people sharing the same specialized training that’s inherently applicable to nearly every situation of life: sometimes it’s challenging to know when to use your professional training and when to just be.

It can be super annoying to have someone coach you when you just really need them to be your friend and not have a clue what to do about it.

Fortunately, we met when we were 19 and had years of just being young and in love before we found life coaching.

Now, looking at how much that training has grown us and helped us love each other even more, I’d train every couple in the world for free. I mean it.


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  • Bryan Hart

    Sometimes my wife gets a little annoyed that I continue to ask open ended questions when she and I are having a “discussion.” 🙂

    Overall, getting training in life coaching has been one of the best things to happen to Nikki and I. She will even drop a few powerful questions on me (which always throws me for a loop…in a good way).

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