Revise and Polish

Value comes from starting with the MVP and adding some revisions and polish.

Celebrating Entrepreneurship

I am celebrating seven years of being a full-time entrepreneur. Here are a few things I have learned, and my hopes for the coming years.

Recalibrate Your Day

Having a growth mindset can help you recalibrate your work day and overcome slumps.

Focus on what is going Well

Focusing on things that are going well for you gives you foundation to build off of for the future.

The Sacred “Today List”

Creating a sacred "today list" can help you become more productive and accomplish everything on your to-do list.

The Timer Rule

Check out one of the techniques I have been using in order to be more productive: the timer rule.

Overcome Slumps in your Work

Focusing on the present moment is magical, but looking to the future can help you get through those tasks you just don't want to start.