Feeling Energized

I am feeling amazing after leading the final session of one of my courses.

Focus on the Learning and Being

When we focus on learning and our personal being, the rights actions naturally follow.

The After-Coaching Glow

The after coaching glow might be the reason I am successful in the coaching business.

The World is Becoming More Mobile

The increase in technology has allowed us to become more mobile and interact with cultures all over the world.

The Power of 10 Minutes

The power of 10 minutes is incredible. Add it to your morning routine, and see what happens!

Internet Brings People Together

The internet has allowed us to connect in ways we never have before. I can't wait to see what it brings next.

Are you comfortable with regression?

We all need to be comfortable with regression and standstills in our lives.

Time to be Courageous

I want to give a big "thank you" to Natasha Spann

A Lesson from Tea-Drunk

Enjoy every moment with tea!

Updates from the SOLE Opening in New York City

Sugata Mitra's work has been an inspiration!

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